
The Mekong Network is an online archive of articles, photographs, and documents, primarily about Cambodia.


Cambodia Cambodia Photos About Other Work


Many individuals and organizations who have provided invaluable assistance in creating and maintaining this site. In addition to the individuals listed on the Contributors page, we would like to express our gratitude to:

Loung Ung and Aaron Elster, for permission to record and transcribe their descriptions of survival in the killing fields, and during the Holocaust.

Craig Etcheson and the Documentation Center of Cambodia, for permission to post DCCam's report from the 1999 Mapping Project.

Youk Chhang of the Documentation Center of Cambodia, for permission to include the text of the November 2004 panel discussion on Khmer Rouge trials, and Isaac Tabor, for transcribing the document. Thanks also to Samantha Brown of Agence France-Presse for facilitating the inclusion of this document.

Donald Kirk, for for permission to include several of his photos and articles, and for many words of encouragement and helpful suggestions.

Marc Cameron, for graciously allowing the inclusion of several photos taken by his father, Denis Cameron. More of Denis Cameron's photos are available from Rex Features.

Milton Osborne, for kindly permitting the use of the 1981 Phnom Penh photo from his book The Mekong.

Bert Hoak, for several fine articles and photographs, and for invaluable insight into the nature of contemporary Cambodian politics.

Asha Hillman, for kindly permitting the use of photos taken by her husband, the late Dave Hillman.

Emily Deacon, for the article on her 2000 trip to Cambodia.

David Antoon, for permission to reprint his essay on the lingering effects of war.

Rith Khem, for loaning me his film scanner and not complaining when I kept it for eight months, and for allowing the use of several of his photos.

Jeff Miller and Dr. Rebecca Wurtz, for much-appreciated encouragement.

Salatha and James Yost, for their article on remembering Cambodia.

John Kenneth Rucell, for his insight into Noam Chomsky's work on Cambodia.

John May, for the algorithm used in the mortality clustering simulation.

Michael Priesch, for his photo of Tiger Nancy.

Wayne E. Wright, Sovicheth Boun, and the Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement for permission to post their report on the educational status of Southeast Asians in the United States.

Lundi Seng, Sophal Ear, and Hann So, for behind-the-scenes assistance, suggestions, and thoughtful commentary. A thousand thanks also to Bill Herod and Earle Goodman, whose pioneering work with the Camnews mailing list and the Cambodian Information Center first demonstrated how the Internet could help those of us with an interest in Cambodia.